Dienstag, Mai 02, 2006


Da ich mich vor etwas Arbeit zu drücken habe starte ich hiermit den ersten
Der Ablauf ist äusserst simpel (auch für Euch): Man durchsuche nach belieben die Comments bei wannasurf.com nach besonders, naja sagen wir mal, originellen Kommentaren. Wir können auch noch andere Kategorien eröffnen... Der Sieger erhält von mir einen Pack Kronenbourg und eine Sportzigarette beim ADH.

Und hier mal zwei Beispiele:

Spot: Velzyland
"If I paddle out, I get respect.(From everyone) Especially sold out kala!"

Spot: The Box
"your mum rides up to 1ft.. i filmed her on 16mm, she was gettn pumped, white mist everywhere"

8 Kommentare:

  1. Anonym6:24 PM

    The Brigade Owns East Side! by johnnie
    17 May 2005
    Smithie, shulie, ron and the boys dominated the East Side from Hookipa to Kahalui for the past two weeks. Boosting huge airs and generally turning heads. Saw ron get into it with some local hippy dirtbag out in the lineup at The Harbor, but after he beat him down, respect was given. Our complete domination of the lineup and at night-the bars-was apparent to everyone who was fortunate enough to have witnessed it. I feel blessed just to have been around those guys, my surfing, fighting and chick-scoring abilities are almost 100% better now. The brigade is buying land Upcountry, time for full-time domination. WELCOME TO THE BRIGADE.
    spot: hookipa
    jörn hast du das geschrieben?

  2. Anonym8:48 PM

    junge, denk nach! klar is das von mir! kala is sold out! aber deine BRIGADE ist auch nicht von schlechten eltern!
    hoffe beim adh auch meine "surfing, fighting and chick-scoring abilities" verbessern zu können..

  3. Anonym8:49 PM

    aber ich mach nicht aus JOHN irgendeinen lächerlichen johnnie:
    den hookipa-johnnie gibts scheinbar in echt..
    geiler typ!

  4. Anonym12:12 PM

    a big pig atacked me by sean'o
    28 May 2005
    i was there last year and a local hit me in the head with a stick and then broke the fins off my board. when i asked him why he said that he thought i was someone else and apologised. waves where a bit crap and i got lost walking out to the reef one day. violent pigs are rampant in the area and dont mind taking a nit at you. kuta reef is much more enjoyable and sometimes less crouded.

  5. Anonym6:33 PM

    geile idee, mein eintrack wird zwar erst ma WE erscheien dann aber die Blog welt ins erstaunen versetzen und den Ausdruck"comment" neu definieren"

  6. Anonym6:46 PM

    @paulo: das ist alles ROTI island oder? die aussies ham wohl echt kein bock auf ein zweites kuta...

  7. Anonym7:12 PM

    spot: cyclops

    me an me mate DJ rode there on our little 125's in bout half an hour, we tied the boards to a rope and dragged it. we added wings so when we got up to 3000km/hr we flew the rest of the way. we got bored half way there so we stopped at jaws and saw billabong odessey there and it was only 100ft and the pussy's were towing in. we paddled in on out 4'11" fish's and got like 600ft deep, seriously its not that hard. anyway after we caught 500 of them we flew off to clops. my mate paddled out in his boxers but i paddled out naked and took off on a small 100 footer i was air dropping and a great white popped up outa no where so i landed on its head and squashed it flat. my board snapped into 20 pieces so i quickly grabbed the shark and surfed it out of the small bazz. i paddled out and got 3 more of them until a set came through. the set was sizey (about 2000 foot) so i used my mates board (a 5'1") i took off and air dropped again landing about 1000ft down the wave. i ate shit so i grabbed another shark and took off again before the wave crushed me. i landed on dry reef and the wave hit me on the head. luckily i have massive guns so i put my guns above my head and blocked it. after the set went we paddled in and rode home

  8. Anonym1:18 PM

    Simon ist mit Ines zusammen und schon ziemlich lange und er hälts wohl immer noch aus... Das müsste hier auch kommentiert werden, oder?!
